Who do you serve?

Our network serves people who work or live in Princeton, NJ. If you do not live or work in Princeton, NJ and are in need of assistance, please check out these other local organizations.

How can I, or someone I know, request assistance?

Anyone who needs direct assistance, monetary or otherwise, can click on the “Request Assistance” button below to fill out this form. Please share: tinyurl.com/PMARequest. The form is in both English and Spanish.

Is PMA a charity?

No. We are a mutual aid network incorporated as an LLC. Check out the slideshow below to learn more.

Where does my donation go if I specify a person in the Venmo/Paypal notes?

100% of your donation goes to the person you specify.

Where does my money go if I do not specify a person in my donation and write something like: "for anyone who needs it"?

100% of the donation goes to our general funds. We subsidize direct cash requests from our general funds depending on how urgent the request is. If the request is considered urgent (e.g. food, medicine, some rent asks), we use money from our general funds to deliver the request and then fundraise afterwards. If it is less urgent, we fundraise first and then deliver.

What is the process for delivering emergency cash?

The first time a neighbor makes a request for direct cash assistance, Princeton Mutual Aid asks a member to deliver the money to the neighbor in person. This allows us to build interpersonal connections in the spirit of mutual aid, as well as ensure the ask is authentic. If the same neighbor makes subsequent requests, then we include the option of sending them money electronically.

Do any funds go to administrative costs or paying organizers?

Members of Princeton Mutual Aid organize on a volunteer basis. Some portion of our funds may go toward administrative costs like transfer fees and yearly taxes on our crowd-funded campaigns.